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Query-Use the links below to search and retrieve data

Use the links below to search and retrieve data

Context Search - for times of magnetospheric conditions

Magnetospheric State Query System (MSQS, v.1.0) (NASA/GSFC)

Data Sources

Space-based DataGround-based Data





Space-based Passive Data


Plasma Wave and Sounder (PWS) (DARTS)
1989-2010, Natural plasma wave (NPW) dynamic spectrogram data from 20 kHz to 5.1 MHz in CDF format.
VLF Multi-Channel Analyzer (VLF/MCA)
1989-2015, Spectrum data measured by the MCA (Multi-channel Analyzer).


Summary Images (Applied Physics Lab.)
1984-1989, plots from the six instruments on AMPTE-CCE including line plots for PWE and MAG.
Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) (NASA/GSFC)
1984-1987, E-field peaks and averages for each of the five AMPTE CCE/PWE channels (100 Hz, 730 Hz, 5.4 kHz, 30 kHz and 178 kHz) for a nominal 24-hour time span. Binary data files along with ephemeris, attitude, and events data.


Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) (NASA/GSFC)
Selected dates in 1984-1985,waveform data in binary data files spanning 10 milliseconds each. The site includes software and documentation.


1981-1984,electromagnetic wave components from narrow band (10%) filters at 140, 450, 800, 4500, 15000 Hz. ASCII data files of 5 measurable field components along with satellite position information.


Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) (Planetary Data System)
1997-current, access to RPWS key parameters, low rate full-resolution, high rate waveform (WFR), wideband (WBR) and raw telemetry data.


EFW Summary Plots (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala)
2001-2010, 3-hour plots of electric field spectra, spacecraft potential and spin resolution electric field
STAFF Dynamic Spectra (HBR/NBR) (LPP)
2000-current, 3-hour plots of Bz component parallel to spacecraft spin axis
WBD Dynamic Spectrograms (The University of Iowa)
2000-current, Postscript & GIF plots
WHISPER Dynamic Spectrograms (CNRS)
2001-current, 24 hour and 6 hour Postscript Plots



CRRES Plasma Wave Experiment Dynamic Spectrogram Survey Plots by Orbit (The University of Iowa)
August 1990(orbit 16) - October 1991 (orbit 1067) GIF plots of spectrograms spanning 5.6 Hz - 400 kHz, link also provides access to information on CRRES objectives and a listing of CRRES publications.


Dynamics Explorer-1 PWI spectrograms, Wideband summary plots, binary data and software (The University of Iowa)
GIF plots at 2-hour intervals of DE-1 SFR-A and -B 1981 through 1984 as well as summary plots for the Wideband receiver at 1, 10 and 40 kHz bandwidth, binary data and software.


DEMETER Quicklook Images (CNRS)
2004-2011, access via a web form to PNG and PS plots at half-orbit intervals of DEMETER multi-instrument survey quicklook images.


Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer summary plots (The University of California, Berkeley)
1996-2009, access via a web form to summary plots of FAST AC and DC Electric and Magnetic Fields data.


Freja (F2) Magnetic Field Experiment summary plots and spectrograms (Applied Physics Lab.)
1992-1995, access via a web form and directory listings (by orbit number) to summary plots, FFT spectrograms (0-256 Hz), and time series magnetic field plots.


Galileo Plasma Wave Spectrometer (PWS) (The University of Iowa)
1989-2003, access to PWS data and via online analysis tools and browse data viewers. These data (1995-2003) are also available throgh the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System.


PWI Dynamic Spectrograms (RASC/RISH)
1992-current, access is via a form for 24-hour and 2-hour GIF Plots
PWI MCA E & B Survey Plot Spectrograms (The University of Iowa)
1992-current, access is via a form for 24-hour GIF Plots


Hawkeye Summary Plots (NASA/GSFC)
1974-1978, ~51 hr (1/orbit) GIF plots of all instruments plus position, solar wind pressure and IMF
Hawkeye Survey Plots (NASA/GSFC)
1974-1978, 4 hr GIF plots of all instruments plus position, solar wind pressure and IMF

Helios 1&2

Plasma Wave Experiment (E5A) (The University of Iowa)
1974-1980, access to ASCII files of 16 channel spectrum analyzer Average, Peak, difference potential Vdiff and Sn data for the HELIOS-1 (1974/12/10 to 1977/03/31) and HELIOS-2 (1976/01/18 to 1980/03/08).


RPI daily dynamic spectrograms (NASA/GSFC)
2000 through 2005, 24 hour GIF plots
IMAGE/RPI & Cluster/WHISPER combined dynamic spectrograms (CNRS)
2003, 24 hour and 6 hour GIF plots
IMAGE/RPI electron density database (29 MB file) with Format Description (NASA/GSFC)
2001-2005, Electron densities derived by recognizing spectral featurees through an automated processing of RPI dynamic spectrograms.
(Credit: Yongli Wang & Phillip Webb, PIs).


Spectrogram plots from wideband receiver (The University of Iowa)
Selected spectrogam plots for times in 1971 through 1973.


Spectrogram plots of electric and magnetic waveform data (The University of Iowa)
Selected times in 1968 August, November, and December.
VLF Receiver electric and magnetic waveform data (NASA/GSFC)
Selected times in 1968 August, November, and December. Binary files where each row contains a 10 millisecond waveform series.

ISEE-1 and -2

ISEE-1 and -2 Wideband spectogram summary plots (The University of Iowa)
GIF plots for selected times between 1977 and 1987.

Pioneer Venus Orbiter

OEFD-Orbiter Electric Field Detector (Planetary Data System)
1978-1992, wave electric field amplitudes at four frequencies (100 Hz, 730 Hz, 5.4 kHz, and 30 kHz).


S-Cubed A

Spectrogram plots of AC Electric Field waveform data (The University of Iowa)
Selected times in 1972 January, June and August.
AC Electric Field waveform data (NASA/GSFC)
Selected times in 1972 January, June and August. 1 kHz and 10 kHz bandwidth binary files each row being a 10 millisecond waveform series.


SCATHA Summary Plots (Boston University)
1979-1982, access is via a form to generate plots including VLF and ELF Magnetic Field line plots of average and peak intensity from DC to 3 KHz,


SWAVES Dynamic Spectrograms (NASA/GSFC)
2006-current, access is via a form to generate combined daily plots from both STEREO-Ahead and Behind spacecraft
SWAVES 1 minute averages files (NASA/GSFC)
2006-current, one minute averages from the low (lfr) and high (hfr) frequency reveivers in the form of ASCII filea and IDL 'sav' save sets.


THEMIS Summary Data Viewer (UC Berkeley)
A web-based tool to browse multi-instrument plots from THEMIS. Menu allows selection of multi-instrument views for individual spacecraft, THEMIS field instrument survey plots, orbits and ground-based magnetometers and imagers


Van Allen Probes

(Radiation Belt Storm Probes - RBSP)
Data Summary Plots (Applied Physics Lab)
2012 Aug-current, access to spectrograms via a form to select time ranges and instruments
EMFISIS (Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science) Data and Plots (The University of Iowa)
2012 Aug-current, EMFISIS data access via directory listings. Dynamic Spectrograms are available through the PNG Walk browse tool and Autoplot software. Note: E-field booms completed deployment on October 25, 2012, data before this date should be used with caution.


Viking Magnetic Field Experiment spectrograms and time series plots (Applied Physics Lab)
1986 March-October, ordered by orbit number, access via directory listings to plots containing FFTs of magnetic field data from 0-3.3 Hz and time series


Voyager 1 & 2 Plasma Wave Spectrometer(PWS) data (The University of Iowa)
1977-2011, Voyager 1 & 2 PWS waveform and spectrum analyzer files and documentation. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 Waveform data access is available through a Graphical Data Browser of spectrograms. Raw waveform and spectrum analyzer files are also available. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 PWS data sets are also available through the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System.
The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 Planetary Radio Astronomy(PRA) data (Planetary Data System)
1979-1980 (V1) 1979-1989 (V2), Voyager 1 & 2 PRA high resolution lowband (1.2kHz - 1.3MHz)data. The NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) also has Voyager 1 PRA data and Voyager 2 PRA data available in a binary format.
Voyager 1 & 2 Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) Highband (1.2 - 40.4 MHz) 48 second data (The University of Iowa)
Voyager 1 (1979 Feb. 01 - 1979 Apr 13) & Voyager 2 (1979 June 01 - 1979 July 30) Jupiter Encounter Binary Data. An IDL program that can be used to read these files into IDL save set format is available here. Spectrogram "quick look" 24 hour GIF plots from these data have been created for Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.


WAVES Daily Spectrograms and data files (NASA/GSFC)
1994-current, 24 hour PDF plots, instrument descriptions, Type II & IV event lists and WAVES data in IDL 'sav' and ASCII format.

Space-based Active Data


ISIS/Alouette Topside Sounder Data Restoration Project (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
The home page of this data restoration project with links to data, software and publications
Alouette-2 Digital topside sounder data search (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
1965-1968 (temporal coverage not complete but good global and seasonal coverage), access is via a form to retrieve ISIS-2 data


RPI Plasmagrams (UMLCAR)
2000-2002, A gallery of plasmagrams, identified by the automated data prospecting tool CORPRAL, containing interesting features


IS-338 Topside Sounder data (IZMIRAN)
1979-1982, A description of the Intercosmos mission and the topside sounder, a list of the operational time periods and modes of the instrument, a bibliography and access to data (registration required).


ISIS/Alouette Topside Sounder Data Restoration Project (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
The home page of this data restoration project with links to data, software and publications
ISIS-1 Digital topside sounder data search (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
1969-1984 (temporal coverage not complete but good global and seasonal coverage), access is via a form to retrieve ISIS-1 data
ISIS-2 Digital topside sounder data search (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
1971-1983 (temporal coverage not complete but good global and seasonal coverage), access is via a form to retrieve ISIS-2 data

Ground-based Passive Data

Antarctic Geophysical Observatory(AGO)

AGO Data Archive (U Maryland/IPST)
1986-2005, Survey Plots and data from magnetometers, riometers and VLF observations.
AGO Data Archive (Augsburg College)
1992-Present, Survey Plots and data from magnetometers, riometers and VLF observations.

Antarctic and Arctic Search Coils

Browse Spectrograms (Augsburg College)
1992-Present, Daily Spectrograms.


e-Callisto (ETH Zurich / FHNW Windisch)
1978-Present, The Callisto spectrometer is a programmable heterodyne receiver. The main applications are observation of solar radio bursts and radio frequency interference monitoring for astronomical science, education and outreach. All Callisto spectrometers together form the e-Callisto network.

Culgoora Solar Radio Spectrograph

Real-time, Hourly, and Cumulative Daily Spectrograms (IPS-Culgoora)
Current Dynamic Spectrograms from the IPS-Culgoora Solar Observatory, Australia, at 18-1800 MHz. Historical data for the past 3 months are also available

Green Bank Solar Radio Burst Spectrometer

Daily Summaries and Selected Events (NRAO/Univ. Maryland)
2004-current, Daily Dynamic Spectrograms from NRAO, West Virginia, at 5-105, 100-300, and 300-1100 MHz as well as from the Bruny Island Radio Spectrometer, Tasmania, at 12-62 MHz.

Learmonth Solar Radio Spectrograph

Real-time, Hourly, and Cumulative Daily Spectrograms (IPS-Learmonth)
Current Dynamic Spectrograms from the IPS-Learmonth Solar Observatory, Australia, at 25-180 MHz. Historical data for the past 3 months are also available

Long Wavelength Array - LWA TV

All-Sky Images at 74 MHz, live and pre-recorded movies (LWA Consortium)
Current and archived All-Sky images and movies with labels for Jupiter, the Sun and other astronomical objects

Nancay Decametric Array

Real-time and Quick-look Spectrograms (Nancay Radio Astronomy Facility/ Paris)
Current data and a webform providing archived "Quicklook" Spectrograms in Left-Hand and Right-Hand Polarization from the Nancay Decametric Array at 10-40 MHz

Radio JOVE

Radio JOVE
1967-Present, An archive for submission of data taken by participants of the Radio JOVE project.

Search Coil Magnetometer Array Data at Svalbard

FTP Request Server (NCAR/EOL)
2006-2008, Two-axis search coil magnetometer ULF data with a sampling rate of 10 Hz. Site includes a link to documentation and to a form to request data.

Stanford VLF Worldwide Network of ELF/VLF Receivers

Very Low Frequency Online Data Access (Stanford University)
Access via a web form to summary and data availability plots of Broadband and Narrowband data as well as raw data sets in Matlab format. Broadband data is full waveform data sampled at 100 kHz (frequency range of 300 Hz to 40 kHz). Narrowband data refers to the demodulated amplitude and phase of narrowband VLF transmitters.

World Wide Lightning Location Network - Maps and VLF Spectrograms

Global Maps of Lightning Distribution (University of Washington, Seattle)
Animated maps of current global lightning distribution and access to VLF spectrograms from their monitoring network

Ground-based Active Data

Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory (GIRO) at Univ. Mass./Lowell (UMLCAR)

DIDBase Portal
1987-current, browsable access to 9M ionogram images
DriftBase Portal
1983-current, browsable access to 4M Doppler skymap images and daily plasma drift charts
Latest ionograms from contributing Digisonde locations.
Latest World Ionogram
Latest ionogram, refreshed every 30 seconds
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